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Group Therapy

Late Identified Autistic Support Group

This group is for those who have learned about being Autistic later in life. You may have come to this realization though a professional diagnosis or self-realization. In this group you will learn more about Autism, gain support, discuss your  challenges and successes, and find resources to help manage life in a Neurotypical world. The Autistic experience is prioritized in this group, as you are welcome to have your camera on or off, engage in discussion at your comfort, use the chat feature to communicate, use eye contact as you'd like, fidget and stim, and use other strategies that help you engage and feel regulated.You are also welcome if you are in a questioning phase of an Autism identity and this group is LGBTQIA+ affirming.​


  • Group is located virtually, over video

  • Meet twice a month for 60 minutes each session

  • Group is held every other Wednesday from  12:00-1:00 pm

  • $50 per group

Neurodivergent Sensory & Emotion
Regulation Group

This group is for Neurodivergent (ND) folks who would like to understand their sensory and emotional needs. During this group, you'll learn strategies to manage overstimulation, regulate your nervous system, and balance your well-being. It includes learning, processing, and skill building. The ND experience is prioritized in this group, as you are welcome to have your camera on or off, engage in discussion at your comfort, use the chat feature to communicate, use eye contact as you'd like, fidget and stim, and use other strategies that help your learning and regulation. You might find this group helpful is you are Autistic, ADHD, have sensory processing differences, or experience OCD. This group is LGBTQIA+ affirming.​


  • Group is located virtually, over video

  • Meet once a week for 6 weeks

  • Day and time of group is TBD

  • $65 per group.

Should I Join Group Therapy?

Group therapy is a great option to add to the therapy you are already receiving or as a standalone treatment. If you relate to any of the items below, please reach out!


  • You are seeking connection

  • You have financial limitations

  • You are not in crisis 

  • You want to find others who are like you

  • You need extra support outside of individual therapy

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