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What is IFS Therapy? | Intro to Internal Family Systems

What is IFS Therapy? | Intro to Internal Family Systems

Welcome to Part 1 in my series: What is IFS? Internal Family Systems Therapy, Explained. In this video, I provide an introduction to IFS Therapy. I explain some of the core concepts of IFS such as parts work, and the science behind these parts. I also briefly discuss how the approach of an IFS therapist might differ from the methods of other experiential therapists. You know, one thing I would like to mention, is that in this video I say "in a pathological sense" when referring to people with DID (what we used to call 'multiple personality disorder'). Of course my meaning was that to have multiple parts is not linked to any kind of mental health's just the way we are born. But now when I hear myself saying 'pathological sense' when talking about DID, I sort of cringe...because really everything in the mind is adaptive...even the more severe separation of our parts in the form of DID. In my haste to make a quick point, I think I used a word (pathological) that I wouldn't normally use...or even believe in. So apologies for that. #toriolds #partswork #ifs #therapy 00:00 An Introduction to Internal Family Systems Therapy 01:15 “Parts Work” in IFS Therapy 03:37 The Neuroscience Behind IFS Therapy and Parts Work 05:17 How Childhood Experiences and Implicit Memory Create “Our Parts” 08:00 Why Do We Have Many Different Parts? 11:06 There Are No Bad Parts 15:54 IFS: A Relational Frame for Working With Schemas For information about my "Minding the Heart" training groups or to sign up for my video courses and earn mental health education CEUs, check out For more information about Memory Reconsolidation you can find my video here:
7 Signs of Autism in Men (DSM-5 Symptoms of Autism/Aspergers in High Functioning Autistic Adults)

7 Signs of Autism in Men (DSM-5 Symptoms of Autism/Aspergers in High Functioning Autistic Adults)

Signs of autism in adults are often not immediately obvious. The symptoms of autism in high functioning autistic men are often masked by superficial success or intelligence in one area. In this video we'll look at how common autistic behaviour in men corresponds to the DSM-5 autism diagnosis criteria. Think you might be on the Spectrum? These videos will help! Are You Undiagnosed Autistic? How To Tell If You're On The Autism Spectrum - Are you Autistic? 25 Questions to ask yourself - Female Specific Resources: 7 Signs of Autism in Women with Barb Cook - Autism symptoms in GIRLS - What Women With Autism Want You to Know - CHANNEL LINKS: Patreon: Facebook: Twitter: Bluesky: Written Blog: More Videos: Email: ----------------------------------------------- // WELCOME TO ASPERGERS FROM THE INSIDE!! My name is Paul and I discovered I have Aspergers at age 30. If you're new you can check out a playlist of some of my most popular videos here: Yes, I know, I don't look autistic. That's exactly why I started this blog, because if I didn't show you, you would never know. As the name suggests, this channel is devoted to giving you insight into the world of Aspergers. This blog started off being just my story, but I've learned SO MUCH about my own condition from meeting others on the Autism Spectrum that now I make sure to feature their stories as well. I've come a long way in my own personal journey. Now I'm sharing what I've found so you don't have to learn it the hard way too. ----------------------------------------------- // WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THIS BLOG You can expect me to get to the point with concise useful information. I focus on what is most important and don't shy away from difficult topics. The best way to learn about Autism is to see it in real life ( i.e. via the stories of many, many people on the spectrum). In this channel I endeavour to show you what Autism and Aspergers look like in real people and to also give you some insight as to what's happening on the inside. I upload a new video every weekend with some bonus content thrown in mid-week too. There's always new stuff coming through so be sure to check back and see what you've missed. (Is this where I'm supposed to tell you to hit that subscribe button?) Topics Include: - What is Aspergers/Autism? - Aspie Tips, coping strategies, and advice on common issues - Learning Emotional Intelligence (this is my special interest!) - Autism in real life: stories from special guests Everything I do is and endeavour to go deeper and take you 'behind the scenes' to understand what may, at first glance, seem 'odd'. oh, and I love busting stereotypes and turning preconceptions upsidedown :) ----------------------------------------------- // ABOUT ME I discovered I have aspergers at the age of thrity. It has been my life's mission to understand these funny creatures we call humans. My special interest is a combination of emotional intelligence, psychology, neuroscience, thinking styles, behaviour, and motivation. (I.e. what makes people tick) My background is in engineering and I see the world in systems to be analysed. My passion is for taking the incredibly complex, deciphering the pattern, and explaining it very simply. My philosophy is that blogging is an adventure best shared. ----------------------------------------------- // EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE TRAINING I also run autism friendly online emotional intelligence training. So if you like my direct, systematic style, and would like to improve your own emotional intelligence skills, check it out here: ----------------------------------------------- // CONTACT Blogging is an adventure best shared which means I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to leave me a comment or send me and email at any time and I'll do my best to respond promptly. Email: Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this channel! I look forward to hearing from you! Peace, ~Paul
Human Neurodiversity Should Be Celebrated, Not Treated as a Disorder | Op-Ed | NowThis

Human Neurodiversity Should Be Celebrated, Not Treated as a Disorder | Op-Ed | NowThis

There's a type of diversity you might not know about; neurodiversity. » Subscribe to NowThis: One in 59 children are identified with autism spectrum disorders and millions of children have been diagnosed with ADHD in the U.S. — yet psychologist Devon MacEachron, PhD believes that there is too little attention given to enabling people with neurologically different minds. “Neurological differences like autism or ADHD are considered to be dysfunctional, disorders, and disabilities under the medical model of mental health,” she explained. “When most of us think of diversity, we think of things like race or sexual orientation. But there’s a different kind of diversity you might not know about: neurodiversity.” Neurodiversity is the concept that neurological differences among people should be recognized and respected, and Dr. MacEachron thinks it’s time for this movement to take off. “Neurodiversity is a part of our genetics and our evolution as a species,” she explained. “The genes for autism and ADHD are not errors, but rather the result of variations in the human genome that have and will continue to have advances for society.” Dr. MacEachron’s vision is for a neurodiversity-tolerant and accepting society that celebrates people’s differences, rather than antagonizing them. Instead of changing to fit other people’s ideas of normal, children who are wired a bit differently should be encouraged to find their place in the world where they feel they fit. Connect with NowThis » Like us on Facebook: » Tweet us on Twitter: » Follow us on Instagram: » Find us on Snapchat Discover: NowThis is your premier news outlet providing you with all the videos you need to stay up to date on all the latest in trending news. From entertainment to politics, to viral videos and breaking news stories, we’re delivering all you need to know straight to your social feeds. We live where you live. @nowthisnews
DSM-5 Autism Criteria | How to Make Your Case for a Diagnosis

DSM-5 Autism Criteria | How to Make Your Case for a Diagnosis

What is autism? Can you tell for sure if someone is on the spectrum? And are the examples we see in the media an accurate representation of autistic individuals? I believe part of the reason it took me 31 years to discover I’m autistic is that I didn’t have an accurate understanding of what autism REALLY is. Today we’re diving into the diagnostic criteria presented for autism in the DSM-5 to gain a better understanding of autistic experiences. I’ll also share my own description of autism based off of my personal experience and those of other autistic adults whom I’ve studied. PLUS: The GAMECHANGER diagnostic condition that opened my eyes to why it took me so long to realize I was autistic.👏🏻 👉 🚨 Download my FREE Ultimate Guide to Understanding Autism: 💻 🎭 ONLINE COURSE How to Unmask 🌟 ⏩ Connect with others like you in an Autistic Connection Group: ❤️ 🧡 💛 MY FAVORITE THINGS 💚 💙 💜 ONO Fidget Roller (affiliate link): (use code: MOMONTHESPECTRUM for 10% off at checkout) Flare Earbuds for Sensory Overwhelm (affiliate link): Manta Weighted Sleep Mask (affiliate link): (use code: MOMONTHESPECTRUM for 10% off at checkout) 📪 Business Mailing Address 📬 Taylor Heaton 8901 Tehama Ridge Parkway, Suite 127 PMB 680 Fort Worth, TX 76177 🌟 MORE RESOURCES: 💻 TIME MARKERS (Click the blue link to jump to that section) ➡️ Misunderstanding the term “autism” (1:22) Tay’s description of autism (2:59) #actuallyautistic (4:30) Disorder vs. Difference (4:53) What is the DSM? (5:12) Notable changes in the DSM-5 (5:45) DSM-5 Diagnostic criteria (6:01) Deficits in social communication and social interaction (6:19) Deficits in noverbal communicative behaviors (6:45) Deficits in relationships (8:35) Restricted and repetitive behaviors (10:17) Repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech (10:25) Insistence on sameness (11:22) Restricted/fixated interests (12:21) Hyper/Hyporeactivity to sensory input (13:03) Final conditions (13:53) GAME CHANGER CONDITION (14:03) Important info regarding DSM-IV diagnoses (15:24) Where do we go from here? (16:05) 📖 If you learn something from this video, please consider sharing it with someone to help raise awareness and acceptance. If I would’ve had this information sooner, it would have radically affected my life! 💪 📙📓 RESOURCES 💾📘 ➡️ “Epidemiology of autistic disorder and other pervasive developmental disorders”: ➡️ “Diagnostic Criteria for 299.00 Autism Spectrum Disorder”: ➡️ The BEST Sensory Toys and Tips for Autistic Adults: ➡️ Autism DX at 31: How Did I Get Here?: ➡️ The Upsetting History Behind the Term “Aspergers”: 🌈 TAY’S DESCRIPTION OF AUTISM 💃 Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by social differences, repetitive behaviors, adherence to rules and routines, intensely focused special interests, unique sensory experiences/needs, and a restless mind. This can feel like a frustrating and continual processing or decoding of the world around them. Balancing these symptoms often leads to meltdowns where it feels like one is incapable of processing more sensory input or shutdowns where one needs to retreat to a silent place for an extended period of time before rejoining in normal activities. Many times these symptoms are imperceptible to others who are not autistic due to camouflaging or masking. Camouflaging/masking is the process through which autistic people consciously or subconsciously behave in order to appear more socially appropriate. This can affect body language, tone of voice, eye contact, word choice, and more. People on the spectrum tend to find comfort and relief from overstimulation and overthinking by spending time alone, balancing their sensory experiences, stimming, and working on/studying special interests. 🌿🌱🪴🍃🌿🌱🪴🍃🌿🌱🪴🍃 Music by Milky Wayvers ("Mountain") #autism #autistic #aspergers
The 7 Types of ADD/ADHD According to Dr. Daniel Amen | ADHD and Autism in Women Series

The 7 Types of ADD/ADHD According to Dr. Daniel Amen | ADHD and Autism in Women Series

Autism and ADD/ADHD go hand in hand more often than you might think. According to recent studies, 30-50% of autistic people also show signs of ADD/ADHD, and about two-thirds of people with ADD/ADHD also show signs of being autistic*. This video is the first video in my series on Autism and ADHD, and today we’re exploring the 7 types of ADD according to Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen. If you’re interested in learning about whether or not you fit one of the 7 types of ADD, make sure you stick around until the end of the video because I’ll be showing you how to take a simple test online that can give you results today. Keep in mind, these 7 types of ADD are not listed in the DSM-5, which many providers use to make a formal diagnosis. This exploration of Dr. Amen's work is more of an inquisitive look at how ADHD can present and is not a widely used set of criteria. ⬇️ Scroll down ⬇️ for timestamps to jump to a specific section of the video AND a lengthy list of resources if you’re interested in further exploring this topic. 👉 🚨 Download my FREE Ultimate Guide to Understanding Autism: 💻 🎭 ONLINE COURSE How to Unmask 🌟 ⏩ Connect with others like you in an Autistic Connection Group: ❤️ 🧡 💛 MY FAVORITE THINGS 💚 💙 💜 ONO Fidget Roller (affiliate link): (use code: MOMONTHESPECTRUM for 10% off at checkout) Flare Earbuds for Sensory Overwhelm (affiliate link): Manta Weighted Sleep Mask (affiliate link): (use code: MOMONTHESPECTRUM for 10% off at checkout) DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a doctor or medical professional. Do not implement any suggestions in this video without the aid of a medical provider. 📪 Business Mailing Address 📬 Taylor Heaton 8901 Tehama Ridge Parkway, Suite 127 PMB 680 Fort Worth, TX 76177 ⏰ Timestamps 💻 Dr. Amen and SPECT scans (2:06) Autism vs. ADD (3:45) Why is it important to talk about ADD (4:54) ADD Brain scan (5:38) Type 1: Classic ADD/ADHD (6:25) Type 2: Inattentive ADD (6:43) Type 3: Overfocused ADD (7:03) Type 4: Temporal Lobe ADD (7:34) Type 5: Limbic ADD (7:47) Type 6: Ring of Fire ADD (8:27) Type 7: Anxious ADD (9:09) Difference between ADD/ADHD diagnosis and just experiencing a few elements of it (9:27) Can ADD be cured? (9:58) ADD and Medication (10:38) Tips for managing ADD/ADHD symptoms (11:13) 📕 Resources 💪 Mom on the Spectrum official website: Attention Deficit Disorder, Amen Clinics:,Deficit%20Hyperactivity%20Disorder%20(ADHD). *Are People With Autism Likely to Have ADD/ADHD:,or%20schedule%20a%20visit%20online. ADD/ADHD Definition: Autism Definition:,restricted%20interests%2C%20and%20repetitive%20behavior. Amen Clinics: Healing ADD (Book): Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (Book): Elimination Diet (Mom on the Spectrum Video): What is Autism? (Mom on the Spectrum Video): 🌿🪴🌱🌿🪴🌱🌿🪴🌱🌿🪴🌱🌿🪴🌱 I'm Tay, a married mom of 2 who was diagnosed with Autism at 31 years old. This was after YEARS of therapy (and all of the self tests in the world!). My diagnosis has brought up questions, frustration, doubt, but most importantly, a new level of self compassion and understanding. I'm here to share knowledge, resources, and products that empower other neurodivergents (and their loved ones) to live freely and creatively. I'm not a doctor so please speak with your healthcare providers before implementing any recommendations I make on my channel. Females are under-diagnosed due to lack of research. Please share any videos that are helpful to you so we can spread awareness and acceptance. Music by Milky Wayvers ("Mountain") #autism #autistic #aspergers


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